Apple Smart Watch Saved This man from Drowning, Know What's The Case!
Apple Smart Watch Saved This man from Drowning, Know What's The Case!

You may have often heard the features of the Apple Smart Watch and remain in the spotlight. The recent moment has also saved a young man from drowning, which has once again led to the Apple Smartwatch to remain in discussion. You may not have understood what the case is. But it has done a great job as it is smart, saving a young man's life. Let us know this whole case.

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Indeed, the incident happened in Chicago, U.S., where a young man survived drowning because of Apple Smart Watch. The young man, Philip Esho, credited his Apple smartwatch for saving his life and how when he went into deep water and started drowning, his watch worked and saved him from drowning. Philip Asho was riding the jet to click a photo of Skyline and meanwhile, his balance deteriorated due to strong waves and he fell. Esho's mobile also went deep into the water so that he could ask for help.

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Esho's watch followed him and made a call to helpline number 911 with the help of the SOS emergency feature, after which rescuers rushed to the spot and saved Esho from drowning. This is what has saved this person's life. The watch was not designed to save lives, but it was designed to contain technology, but it has so far saved many lives.

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