Apple's SOS service may launch soon in India
Apple's SOS service may launch soon in India

The world's leading tech company Apple may soon introduce its new SOS service in India. This service has been in the news a lot recently and is already available in many other countries besides the US. This emergency service of Apple has saved the lives of many users and now its launch is being planned in India.

Possible launch of Apple's SOS service in India

Apple has included its SOS service in the iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 and it has been launched in other countries as well. According to recent reports, the company's satellite communication service provider Globalstar is planning to enter the Indian market. However, no official statement has come from Apple in this regard yet.

How does the SOS feature work?

The biggest feature of Apple's SOS service is that it does not require internet or WiFi. This feature can be used in any emergency. When a user needs help in an emergency, this feature sends a help message along with their location via satellite.

The advantage of this feature is that even when there is no internet, this feature can help by sending location and messages to the rescue team. This has saved the lives of people many times when they did not have internet available.

Papers submitted to TRAI

To bring SOS service to India, Apple has submitted some papers to TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India). The company wants to operate this service in India under GMPCS (Global Mobile Personal Communications via Satellite Services). Apple's SOS service is an important feature that can prove useful in emergencies. Its launch in India will help people get immediate help, especially in places where the internet is not available. At present, official confirmation of the launch of this service is awaited, but Apple is likely to take steps in this direction. The arrival of this new feature can bring a new revolution in terms of security and relief in India, which will give even more relief to the users.

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