Troubled by Acidity After Iftar? Follow These Tips
Troubled by Acidity After Iftar? Follow These Tips

The holy month of Ramadan is underway, starting from March 12th. In the Islamic faith, this sacred festival is revered as the holiest. Ramadan, lasting a full month, will culminate on April 10th. Following the sighting of the Eid moon, the next day marks Eid-ul-Fitr, also known as Sweet Eid. It is a widely celebrated occasion across the world.

During Ramadan, Muslims observe fasting, a tradition dating back to the year 624 AD when Prophet Muhammad journeyed to Mecca-Medina. Subsequently, through Quranic verses, fasting became an obligatory practice in Islam. It is believed that Prophet Muhammad is Allah's messenger, and thus, fasting became an integral part of Islamic faith.

Fasting requires abstaining from food and drink throughout the day, considered a sacred form of worship to Allah. Observing fasts during Ramadan is mandatory, as it is deemed a religious duty. Following the Islamic calendar, Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated with great fervor globally, marking the end of Ramadan.

The evening meal to break the fast, known as Iftar, is a joyous occasion where fruits and savory dishes are enjoyed with enthusiasm. However, some individuals experience discomfort such as acidity the day after breaking their fast, often due to consuming excessive sweets and spicy foods.

To alleviate acidity, several home remedies can be tried:
Mixing Baking Soda with Black Salt and Lemon Juice: Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a natural antacid that can help neutralize stomach acid. When combined with black salt and lemon juice in water, it creates a solution that can provide relief from acidity. Baking soda works by increasing the pH level in the stomach, thereby reducing acidity. However, it's essential to use this remedy in moderation, as excessive consumption of baking soda can lead to side effects such as gas and bloating.

Using Asafoetida (Hing): Asafoetida, commonly known as hing, is a resin obtained from the roots of certain plants. It has been used in traditional medicine for its digestive properties. Asafoetida contains compounds that can help alleviate acidity and promote digestive health. Mixing a small amount of asafoetida in warm water and consuming it can provide relief from acidity. It works by reducing the production of stomach acid and improving digestion.

Incorporating Probiotic Foods: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora. Consuming probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables can promote digestive health and alleviate acidity. Probiotics work by restoring the natural balance of bacteria in the gut, which can help improve digestion and reduce symptoms of acidity. Including probiotic foods in your diet on a regular basis can support overall digestive health and prevent acidity.

Drinking Ajwain (Carom Seeds) Infused Water: Ajwain, also known as carom seeds, is a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine for its distinctive flavor and digestive properties. Ajwain contains compounds that can help alleviate acidity and improve digestion. Soaking ajwain seeds in water overnight and consuming the infused water on an empty stomach in the morning can provide relief from acidity. Ajwain water works by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes and promoting the breakdown of food in the stomach. It also has carminative properties, which can help relieve gas and bloating.

Avoiding Spicy and Oily Foods: Spicy and oily foods are known triggers for acidity and can exacerbate symptoms in individuals prone to acid reflux. Avoiding these foods can help prevent acidity and reduce discomfort after iftar. Instead, opt for lighter, easily digestible meals that are less likely to cause acidity. Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your iftar meal can help promote digestive health and prevent acidity.

In conclusion, while fasting during Ramadan is a sacred practice in Islam, it's essential to prioritize digestive health, especially when breaking the fast. Employing these simple home remedies can help alleviate acidity and ensure a healthy fasting experience for individuals observing Ramadan.

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