Article on death anniversary of Lal Bahadur Shastri: Was Shastriji killed in Tashkent?
Article on death anniversary of Lal Bahadur Shastri: Was Shastriji killed in Tashkent?

It has been a full 56 years since we bid farewell to the world to former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, but the death of this beloved Leader of India remains a mystery even today. Lal Bahadur Shastri died under mysterious circumstances in Tashkent on January 11, 1966. No one knows what happened that night in Tashkent that suddenly killed the prime minister of India, who looked good. After the Indo-Pak war in 1965, an agreement was being signed between the two countries in Tashkent. He died suddenly in the early hours of January 11, just 12 hours after a peace agreement with Pakistan in Tashkent on January 10, 1966. It is officially said that he died of a heart attack, but there is no conclusive evidence.

In 1965, there was a fierce war between India and Pakistan for six months from April to September 23. In January 1966, 4 months after the war ended, top Indo-Pakistan leaders arrived in Tashkent, which falls in the then Russian territory, for a peace deal. President Ayub Khan had arrived in Tashkent on behalf of Pakistan. While the then PM Lal Bahadur Shastri had reached there on behalf of India. The peace agreement between the two countries was signed on January 10. Shastriji was under a lot of pressure after signing the India-Pakistan agreement in Tashkent. Shastriji was facing a lot of criticism in India for giving back Haji Pir and Thithwal to Pakistan, even his wife was angry with Shastriji's decision. Shastriji was accompanied by his information officer Kuldeep Nayyar.

Nayyar said in an interview, 'Lal Bahadur Shastri called home that night.' As soon as the phone rang, he said, "Give a call to Amma." His elder daughter came on the phone and said that Amma would not come on the phone. He asked why? The answer was because you have given Haji Pir and Thithwal back to Pakistan. He is very angry about it. Shastriji was shocked by this. They say they then went around their room. He then called his secretary Venkatraman and wanted to know the reactions coming from India. Venkatraman told him that there have been two statements so far, one from Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the other by Krishna Menon and both of them who had expressed displeasure over Satriji's decision.

Was his death normal or was he murdered?

He died suddenly within 12 hours of signing the agreement. Was his death normal or was he murdered? The then Congress Government did not even conduct the postmortem of Shastriji's body. It is said that if the postmortem had been conducted at that time, the real cause of his death could have been revealed. The absence of postmortem of a Prime Minister's body even after his sudden death has always pointed fingers at the country's oldest political party. Shortly after Shastriji's death, Indira Gandhi was made the Prime Minister of the country in hurry, so many people see Shastriji's death as a conspiracy to grab the chair.

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