World Suicide Prevention Day: Every day 3000 people commit suicide all around the world
World Suicide Prevention Day: Every day 3000 people commit suicide all around the world

"All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark": Swami Vivekanand

Statistics show that about three thousand people in the world commit suicide every day due to various difficulties or depression, 1 person embraces death every 40 seconds. Surprisingly, the number of adolescents under the age of 18 in suicide cases is very high.

The study has found that young men and adolescents are not able to accept their defeat in the current era. The reason why the incidents of suicide have increased. Often, young people in despair take suicidal steps. But if a person is to face challenges and circumstances, they can be avoided. Difficulties come in everyone's life, but instead of losing hope, things can change if they are dealt with neutrality and strength. Suicide is a symbol of failure. Positive thinking is effective in preventing such incidents.

Loneliness promotes such incidents. Not speaking out your fears, pushes the person into depression, from where life seems to be burdened and the desire to get rid of it seems to be strong. The World Suicide Prevention Day was first observed in 2003 with the objective of curbing the growing trend of suicides in the world and making people aware of this problem. So that thousands of lives can be saved. 

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