Baa blames Anupama, 23rd September, Anupamaa
Baa blames Anupama, 23rd September, Anupamaa

In today's episode, Barkha advises Kinjal to get rid of Toshu and live her life on her own terms because she is capable of doing so. Kinjal expresses gratitude and informs the woman that she simply needs privacy. Baa instructs Samar to take her to Toshu's lodging because he is contemplating suicide. Arya is choking, and Kinjal runs to Anuj to warn him and ask him to call Anupama. When Anuj calls Anupama, she instructs Kinjal to continue patting Arya on the back. Anuj requests that GK call an ambulance. Toshu's broken marriage is due to Anupama, according to Baa, who requests that Vanraj retrieve Kinjal.

Vanraj advises that they should give Kinjal some room. Toshu is talking about ending his life, according to Baa, so they should at the very least bring him home. Anupama reaches out and forces Anuj to sit after he hits his head on the table. Anupama feels bad for not being able to control the situation as Kinjal panics. Anupama failed to submit the application by the deadline; the school calls Anuj to inform her that she cannot be admitted. Anupama sobs and laments her failure in all her relationships. They exhort her to remain calm. Toshu is asked to return home by Vanraj over the phone.

Toshu tells him that although he was punished for a single error, the mistake was repeated for eight years and that he will now take action that will harm everyone. Vanraj becomes anxious. Anuj later puts Anupama to sleep. Kinjal arrives and informs Anuj that she's going to leave because Anupama is under her stress. She is urged to relax and get some sleep by Anuj. Anupama mentions work in her dream, and he advises her to take some time to relax so she can handle everything later.

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