Dirty underwear put the dreaded terrorist Baghdadi to death, Here's how
Dirty underwear put the dreaded terrorist Baghdadi to death, Here's how

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terrorist organization Islamic State, has been killed. After his death, interesting information has come out. Actually, information about Baghdadi's secret hideout was given to the US security forces by an informer, after which the US security forces attacked Baghdadi's hideout. According to the information, this informer played an important role in the DNA test of the body of Baghdadi. If sources are to be believed, 100 percent confirmation of the death of Baghdadi was used to test the DNA of Baghdadi's old underwear.

In this particular DNA test, it was found that the terrorist who was killed by American security forces is Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. The DNA of Baghdadi's body was matched to his old underwear, which confirmed that the one who died was Baghdadi. The informer of Baghdadi had provided the underwear. With this help, 100 percent confirmation of the death of Baghdadi could be made. If sources are to be believed, the Kurdish armed forces of Baghdadi were given to the US Army by the soldiers of Kurdish. He was constantly working to monitor Baghdadi.

In this case, the Kurdish organization Syrian Democratic Force said that this Kurdish informer gave information about the secret of Baghdadi's secret house. According to Polat Kahn, a senior official of the Kurdish Democratic Forces, there was rape on whereabouts of Baghdadi on Saturday, after which his dirty underwear was provided to us by the informer, with the help of which the DNA test of the body of Baghdadi could be done. In which it was confirmed that the terrorist killed was Baghdadi.

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