Hair pack of these fruits are good for the health of hair
Hair pack of these fruits are good for the health of hair

Fruit is of special importance to improve health, in the same way fruit is beneficial for the health of hair But people are unaware that as much fruit is beneficial for our body as it is for hair. Fruit packs play a very important role in enhancing hair and regaining lost color. Hair fruit packs made from fruits are like natural conditioners and shampoos for hair. Fruit pack can be used for all types of hair problems, falling hair or untimely hair fall. Learn about some fruits that you can easily use by making fruit packs at home.

Papaya Hair Pack: Mash the cooked papaya, add a little curd and 2 drops glycerin to it and apply it on the head for 30-40 minutes. This pack will brighten your hair and also get rid of double-faced hair.

Orange hair pack: Some people always have problems in applying oil, due to which the hair does not get proper nutrition and the hair becomes prematurely lifeless. To solve this problem, make a fruit pack. Make a solution by taking one cup of orange juice, one cup of curd, one big spoon of basil powder or amla powder. Apply it regularly to hair. It also nourishes hair roots even in smooth scalp. Even if your scalp is more smooth, this solution will be very beneficial for you.

Pear Hair Pack: Grind the pear and mix it with Shia butter, coconut oil and honey and apply it on the hair. Then cover the hair with the hair cap for 30 minutes, then after 30 minutes wash the hair with cold water, the hair will start to shine.

Banana Hair Pack: For this, make a solution with two bananas, one egg yolk, one teaspoon lemon juice, apply this solution to your hair. This will naturally make your hair healthy. Also, the lost color and shine of the hair comes back and the hair fall is reduced. Firstly mash the bananas. Add honey, curd and lemon juice and apply on the head. Wash the hair after 30 minutes. This makes your hair soft and shiny.

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