Use of face wipes can cause major damage, know the right way to use
Use of face wipes can cause major damage, know the right way to use

It has often been seen that many people clean the face only with face wipes with mouth wash. Face wipes are soft tissue as well as slightly wet. So that you can clean your face easily. If doctors agree, these are not the right way to clean face. Using more wipes causes damage to the face in many ways. Skin experts also recommend that you use face wipes as little as possible.

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Wrinkles: Using wipes to remove makeup of the eyes can be a dangerous option. The skin under your eyes is very delicate. Excessive rubbing can cause wrinkles in them.

Dry skin: After cleansing your face with wipes, you will try to apply the cream on the face. So that the skin is not dry. But it will not be beneficial because of the chemical already present in the wipes, your face will not be able to absorb the moisturizer, due to which your skin will remain dry.

Chemicals: There are chemicals in your wipes so that you can easily remove makeup. Also, preservatives are used to keep them fresh. When you wipe your mouth with wipes, the remaining chemical remains on your skin, so it is important that you also wash your mouth.

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Acne: Acne can be caused by many people who use wipes to avoid washing their face to save time. Even though these wipes clean your face, but they do not remove dead skin due to dirt. Because of this, oil and dirt get trapped inside the pores. Because of which the pores are closed and it can cause acne problems.

Correct way: To use this is to use lipstick to remove lipstick and eyeshadow, but do not use them to clean the skin. Use milk cleanser with them, which cleans the remaining dirt on the skin. Otherwise use facewash after their use, which completely cleans the remaining dirt of the face and is also effective in maintaining the moisture of the skin.

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