Use hairbrush according to your hair type, will look attractive
Use hairbrush according to your hair type, will look attractive

There are many types of hairbrushes available in the market like- small, big and round. The big brush consists of brussels, which are of 2 types - thorns and round brussels. Girls having thick hair, Thorn brushes are useful for them. For those who have thin hair,  round brussels hair brushes suit them. Both hair brushes are used to show the volume.

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A small hair brush, which is in a round shape, gives a roller effect. For those whose hair is in the step cut, it is good to blow it out with a small hair brush and turn it out. Small hair brushes are also used to remove fringe in hair.

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For those who have curly hair, a flat hair brush is useful, which has thorns. By straightening the hair, the hair looks straight. Apart from this, if the hair is very thin and short in front, then you can blow dry by taking a small flat hair brush for them. Small flat hair brushes are also used on forehead for further baby hair. Apart from this, brussels are also used for brush back combing. This makes the hair look clean. After having a little baby hair, apply water and apply a serum at the end of the weight. If hair is thin then allow it to dry a little by applying moose, then blond. After the use of the brush, it should also be maintained properly so that you can use it for more days. These brushes are very expensive, which are mostly sourced from abroad. The brushes found in India do not last long, as soon its brussels get spoiled.

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