Benefit or Harm in drying hands with dryer?
Benefit or Harm in drying hands with dryer?

We often use the dryer to dry the hands. Drying the hands with the dryer increases the risk of spreading bacteria. A recent study has found that when drying hands with the dryer, the bacteria do not diminish, but rather increase. The use of the dryer increases the risk of infection. In this way the dryer can cause many diseases.

Generally it takes only 10 seconds to use a hand dryer in the office or home, but it takes at least 20 minutes to fully dry your hands. In the middle of the busy schedule, no one can stand in front of the dryer to dry hands.

The result of this is that your hands remain wet. 1000 times more bacteria than wet hands spread from one surface to another, which poses a threat to hygiene. It is better to use napkin after washing hands for it. Napkin helps in drying hands and also avoids infection. Read more:

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