You all know Sara Khan. She is famous for her hotness. In such a situation, Sara keeps sharing her photos on social media. Yes, you can see the actress has given a big gesture with these photos, which her fans are very happy after seeing. Yes, by looking at this photo, it looks as if the actress is going to be seen in Naagin 4. Yes, let me tell you that the actress has written through this photo, "Soon the promo is going to come on Colors". Whereas the actress did not say whose promo it is going to be.
TV show Naagin 4 is making headlines and she is going to be seen in Naagin 4. At the same time, Sara Khan has shared a lot of photos on Instagram after this, which is very spectacular. You can see Sara Khan is very happy in these photos and if she is going to appear in Naagin 4, then it is a big thing for her and her fans.
In this photo, Sara is seen wearing antique jewelery collection and her outfits, it looks like she can be seen in Naagin 4. By the way, now it will be known only after the promo of her show that she will be coming in Naagin 4 or not .....?
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