Amitabh turns 78 years old, organizes virtual program at his temple
Amitabh turns 78 years old, organizes virtual program at his temple

Actor Amitabh Bachchan, who is known by many names in Bollywood, is celebrating his 78th birthday today, and not only this, on his special day, his fans are giving him a lot of wishes. In this temple built in the name of Big B, Havan, worship, and prayers have been organized. Bhog Prasad is being distributed and cakes are also cut. This temple was built in the year 2011, since then Yajna and worship are done here every year on his birthday. This time the situation is slightly different due to Corona. Things are being followed in a restrained manner. Only the main members of the temple are participating in the celebrations of the actor's birthday, and this time no outsider will be allowed to visit the temple. This system has been adopted following the guidelines of Coronavirus.

The founder of the temple, Sanjay Patodia, told the media, "We are organizing a virtual meeting on his birthday, which Sir himself is going to attend. We invited him and he said in response that he will participate in this. This meeting has been held from 12 noon to 2 pm with his extended family from all over the world. We also have filmmaker Shoojit Sarkar, comedian Raju Srivastava and singer Sudesh Bhonsle to participate in it. "

He went on to say, "This time the birthday of Guru (Amitabh is fondly and respectfully called by his fans) is special because he has fought with Coronavirus and defeated it. He has proved that he is indeed a hero." He adds, "This time due to Covid-19 we are not calling people. The temple will be decorated and cake cutting will be in front of 15-20 crore members. Like every time we will offer them, first of all, the parents will be worshiped. After this Amitabh Chalisa will be recited, after this we will cut the birthday cake. " This year, members of the temple are distributing a 1000 masks, 1000 sanitizer bottles and dry ration to 200 people in the name of Bachchan.

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