Big Eyes Coin Presale Token Could Be A Perfect Valentine's Gift For Your Lover Alongside Zilliqa
Big Eyes Coin Presale Token Could Be A Perfect Valentine's Gift For Your Lover Alongside Zilliqa

If you're looking to go unconventional with your gift this coming valentine, purchasing some crypto assets wouldn't be a bad idea. It's a gift with a great probability of increasing in worth over time, and many people will find it thoughtful. Deciding on which altcoin to purchase may be the challenging part, but with proper research, you should have a great list.

Based on experts' opinions, crypto assets with long-term prospects are best suited for this purpose. This makes the new cryptocurrency, Big Eyes Coin (BIG), a great option, alongside the recently improving Zilliqa (ZIL). Both altcoins can make much difference in a portfolio, making them a smart gift or purchase option. 

Big Eyes Coin (BIG) About To Blow Up Very Soon

Big Eyes Coin (BIG) was introduced to the crypto space as a unique cat token in the previous year. The meme has since then gained the attention of top market players, and its warm acceptance puts it among the best presale tokens since last year. The community-driven meme token has gained much prominence creating FOMO from time to time.

The amount of money Big Eyes Coin (BIG) presale has raised attests to its successful presale run. It has realised almost 3× the $8 million benchmark set for it. The most important thing for the crypto project's developers is to ensure it can replicate its successful run when it enters the mainstream market.

Analysts are optimistic that Big Eyes Coin (BIG) has all it takes to achieve this and more. Big Eyes is a community token, and like every other community token, it aims to bring wealth to community members. The meme coin will leverage DeFi to achieve this while providing other utilities in decentralised exchange (DEX) and NFTs.

Big Eyes swap will facilitate seamless exchange transactions at optimum speed and low cost. The crypto project's native ERC token, BIG, will be used for transaction payment. It will fuel incentives and rewards within the community and will be needed to perform other functions within the ecosystem.

Big Eyes will concern itself with protecting aquatic life and water bodies via its charity endeavour. The crypto project set apart about 5% of its treasury for this cause. Thus, beyond enriching community members, improving DeFi, and being a valuable asset to store for a long time, Big Eyes also helps the world's ecosystems greatly.

The meme coin is gradually rounding up its tenth presale stage as it prepares to launch soon. You should buy the presale token now and expect the value to increase in the coming months.

What is Zilliqa (ZIL) 

Zilliqa is a decentralised smart contract blockchain network. The public protocol aids seamless dApp building while equally supporting smart contract execution. Zilliqa boasts high throughput and scalability due to its sharding technology. It is one of the few Blockchain platforms to effectively solve scalability issues and claims to be the first public blockchain to leverage sharded networks completely.

This makes transactions on the platform swift. Zilliqa is highly efficient, and it's gradually becoming prominent among blockchain users. The eco-friendly public protocol is well-structured and optimised to allow the seamless building of decentralised applications (dApps) and other infrastructures. It is safe to use and cost-effective.

Zilliqa's utility token, ZIL, is used to pay for transactions. It gives holders passive income opportunities as they can stake the token or farm it for reward on the platform. The low-price crypto asset shows signs of a good run in months after struggling in the previous year. Zilliqa (ZIL) will aim to cross its $0.2 all-time high (ATH) before the year ends, and its current low price could be a great advantage. 

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