Robbery occured with this football player
Robbery occured with this football player

England and Tottenham Football Club midfielder Dele Ali were robbed on Wednesday between Coronavirus and lockdown. Two thieves attacked their North London home and carried out the robbery at the tip of the knife.

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During this time he also vandalized the house. Dele and his adopted brother suffered minor injuries. Along with Dele and his brother's girlfriends, other friends were also at home during the incident. The English player tweeted, "It was a very scary experience, but we are all good now. Many thanks for messaging all of you and expressing concern."

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No arrests have been made so far: According to local police, "Two criminals have entered into their house and stolen cash, jewelery, precious watch and many other things." The player and his brother suffered minor injuries in their attack. There was no need to take them to the hospital. At present, no arrest could be made in the issue.

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