Boost Your Mental Health with Fruits: A Well Researched Guide to Feeling Better as You Age
Boost Your Mental Health with Fruits: A Well Researched Guide to Feeling Better as You Age

Recent research of study, which was published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, highlights that fruits are not just good for your physical health but may also benefit your mental well-being. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging examined data from nearly 14,000 participants in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. This research tracked people from midlife (ages 40 to 65) for about 20 years, revealing that a higher fruit intake in midlife is associated with a lower risk of developing depression as people age.

Fruit and Mental Health: What the Study Found

The study finds that individuals who consumed at least three servings of fruit per day had a 21% lower risk of developing age-related depression compared to those who ate only one serving a day. Interestingly, eating vegetables did not show a similar benefit for reducing the risk of depression.

The researchers concluded that increasing fruit intake during midlife may be an effective way to lower the risk of depressive symptoms in later years.

Why Might Fruit Help with Depression?

Depression is influenced by many factors, and while fruit consumption alone may not be a cure, it appears to have a positive impact. Hillary Ammon, a clinical psychologist, notes that the study's findings are promising but also emphasizes the need for further research to understand all contributing factors.

Best Fruits for Mental Health

The study identified several fruits with a strong link to a reduced risk of depression:

  • Oranges
  • Tangerines
  • Bananas
  • Papayas
  • Watermelon
  • Apples
  • Honeydew melon

Incorporating these fruits into your daily diet might not only enhance your physical health but could also support better mental well-being as you age.

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