CAA protest: Shivpal Singh Yadav starts protest, works for peace
CAA protest: Shivpal Singh Yadav starts protest, works for peace

Political parties also do not want to miss a chance amid opposition to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in different parts of India. If someone is staging, many are meeting the President to withdraw this law. Meanwhile, the president of the Progressive Samajwadi Party (Lohia) Shivpal Singh Yadav has sat on a fast outside the party office. Shivpal, who is going on a sit-in with hundreds of activists, said that there is a situation of rebellion not only in the whole country but against this law. The government should withdraw it immediately.

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Shivpal Singh Yadav has announced a foot march to the GPO with the workers during the sit-in demonstration. In view of this, a large number of police forces have been deployed. The winter session of the Legislature is also going on. Therefore, the police is taking special vigilance.

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On Wednesday, the Progressive Samajwadi Party (Lohia) is agitating in Lucknow on the issue of the Citizenship Amendment Act and the National Register of Citizens of India. During this, party chief Shivpal Singh Yadav said that we oppose the Citizenship Amendment Act. This country is not in interest. The unity and integrity of the country is threatened by this law. He further said that he has fasted for peace in the country. Due to the wrong policies of the government, protest is being done with the slogan "Save the Constitution - Save the country."

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