Can Energy Drinks Lead To Anxiety, ADHD; Know What Expert  Says
Can Energy Drinks Lead To Anxiety, ADHD; Know What Expert Says

A new study has brought to light the concerning health risks associated with the excessive consumption of energy drinks. These beverages not only impact physical well-being but also have adverse effects on mental health. The growing trend of teens consuming these drinks in excess has raised alarms.

In a systematic review released on January 15, researchers delved into 57 studies focusing on the effects of energy drinks on individuals aged 21 and below. The data analyzed spanned from January 2016 to July 2022.

The results unveiled a notable gender difference, indicating that male teenagers tend to consume more energy drinks compared to their female counterparts. Moreover, a correlation was established between energy drink consumption and risky behaviors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use.

Hazards of energy drinks: Impact on mental and physical health
The study highlighted that the overconsumption of energy drinks can contribute to various mental health issues. These include shortened sleep duration, poor sleep quality, diminished academic performance, an elevated risk of suicide, psychological distress, symptoms resembling ADHD, depression, panic disorders, and anxiety.

Dr. Sanjay Chugh, a Clinical Psychiatrist, pointed out that the connection between energy drinks and mental health problems had not been thoroughly explored before. "These drinks entered the market without any warning about these symptoms. However, their widespread use led to dependence among both teens and adults," he remarked.

Dr. Chugh explained that since energy drinks are stimulants, they reduce the need for sleep. "Excessive consumption of these drinks disrupts the sleep cycle, limiting the consumer to light phases of sleep and depriving them of deep sleep. This results in poor sleep quality," he added.

Disturbances in the sleep cycle, as observed, give rise to a range of problems, both physical and mental. Individuals who consume energy drinks excessively are reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression.

In children, heightened restlessness and an inability to concentrate have been observed.

Numerous studies have pointed out that energy drinks often contain high levels of added sugar and caffeine, both of which can pose significant health risks when consumed excessively.

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