Can excessive use of mobile cause cancer?
Can excessive use of mobile cause cancer?

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also presented a new report in which it has been clarified that there is no link between radiofrequency (RF) waves emitted from mobile phones and brain cancer. Many people often ask whether the waves emitted from mobile phones can be harmful to the body or not. WHO says in this regard that the use of mobile phones is generally safe and there is no evidence of serious diseases like cancer due to its use.

Key points of WHO report: WHO further states in its report that radiofrequency waves can affect the body in various ways, but they have no direct connection with the development of cancer. According to the report, no link has been found between the use of mobile phones and brain cancer. In particular, no increase in cases of brain or head cancer such as glioma and salivary gland tumors has been seen so far.

Some reports also said that more than 5,000 research studies were included. According to the report's author Ken Karipidis, "We found that there was no strong link between mobile phone use and brain cancer or other head and neck cancers. While mobile phone use has increased, brain tumor rates have remained stable."

This WHO report has made it clear that radiofrequency waves emitted from mobile phones do not cause cancer, but it has also been acknowledged that these waves can have subtle effects on the body. Public health intellectual Dr. Jagdish Hiremath, while talking to the Indian Express, said, "Although the report has not found any conclusive evidence regarding cancer, there may be some physical effects associated with RF radiation."

Although the WHO report has made it clear that mobile phone use does not cause cancer, health experts recommend that certain precautions be taken for safety:

Avoid prolonged phone use: Avoid prolonged phone use.
Use hands-free devices: Use hands-free devices during conversations.
Keep the phone away from the body: Keep the phone away from the body and do not hold it directly to the ear during calls.
Limit phone use: Use the phone only when needed and take frequent breaks to avoid this.
Pay attention to news and updates: Pay attention to new health information and studies.

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