Careful...! If you also consume outside food in the rain, then ...
Careful...! If you also consume outside food in the rain, then ...

The rainy season often brings relaxation and freshness, but it also presents many challenges to health. The risk of food poisoning increases at this time because due to moisture and dirt, bacteria and viruses grow rapidly in food items. Know why the risk of food poisoning increases during the rainy season and what are the easy ways to avoid it.

Why does the risk of food poisoning increase during the rainy season?

  1. Increase in humidity: During rains, the humidity in the air increases, due to which bacteria and viruses grow easily. These bacteria can mix with food and contaminate it.

  2. Use of dirty water: Many times water gets contaminated due to rainwater. If this water is used for cooking, then the risk of food poisoning increases.

  3. Rotting and spoiled food: Vegetables and fruits rot quickly during the rains. If they are not cooked on time or not stored properly, they can cause food poisoning.

  4. Consuming food sold in the open: Food sold in the open on the roadside can get contaminated quickly. These food items get spoiled quickly due to contact with dirt, flies, and dust.

  1. Waterlogging: During rains, water accumulates in many places, which creates a suitable environment for mosquitoes and other insects. These insects can contaminate food items, increasing the risk of food poisoning.

Ways to avoid food poisoning

  1. Eat clean and fresh food: Prefer fresh and home-cooked food during the rainy season. Avoid eating stale or outside food.

  2. Cook food properly: While cooking food, make sure that it is cooked completely. This kills the bacteria present in the food and reduces the risk of food poisoning.

  3. Use clean water: Always drink boiled water or consume filtered water. Use clean water for cooking as well.

  4. Take care of the food kept in the refrigerator: Keep the perishable food in the refrigerator during the rainy season and keep it covered, so that it does not get contaminated.

  5. Hand hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly before cooking and eating. This can prevent bacteria and viruses.

By adopting these simple measures, you can avoid food poisoning during the rainy season and keep your family safe. Enjoy the rain, but take care of your health too.

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