New Delhi: The investigation of the Palghar Sadhu massacre in Maharashtra, which shook the soul in 2020, has now been handed over to the Central Investigation Agency (CBI). The Eknath Shinde government of Maharashtra had informed the Supreme Court about this. After which the top court took cognizance of this and approved the decision to hand over the investigation of the case to the CBI. The apex court has asked the Maharashtra government to file an affidavit in this regard that the matter is now being handed over to the CBI for investigation.
Role of @Palghar_Police in killing Hindu Saints.#Palghar
— राष्ट्रसेवक (@swadesh2014modi) April 19, 2020
Let us tell you that, in the earlier hearing, the apex court had asked the Maharashtra government what preparations they have made for handing over the investigation to the CBI. The state government had sought two weeks' time to reply. In the hearing on Friday (April 28), the state government informed the Supreme Court in detail regarding handing over the case to the CBI. The Supreme Court approved for this. Let us inform that, on 16 April 2020, two sadhus and their driver were brutally murdered in front of the police by a rowdy mob in Gadchinchale village under Palghar district.
Two saints were brutally killed in front of the police in Maharashtra's palghar. when the saint tried to survive by holding the hands of the police, while the policeman left him to die instead of firing blank shots.
— Deepak Behara (@deepakbehera002) April 19, 2020
The murder was committed on the rumor of child-lifting, while the sadhus were on their way from Maharashtra to Surat to attend the funeral rites of their spiritual master. For a short cut, they had turned towards the road inside the village. On the way, the villagers stopped them and on the basis of suspicion, all three were beaten to death. Its video also went viral, in which the sadhus were pleading with the police present there to protect them and the police were separating them from themselves, after which the mob again attacked them. The opposition (BJP) was demanding a CBI inquiry into the matter. While the Uddhav Thackeray government said that there is no need for a CBI inquiry after the investigation by the Maharashtra Police.
There was anger across the country due to the lynching of innocent sadhus in front of the police. The then Uddhav Thackeray government was also accused of laxity in the investigation of the case and action against the culprits. The Uddhav government was even called anti-Hindu.
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