CBSE updates the foundational education rules
CBSE updates the foundational education rules

The National Curriculum Framework for Foundation Stage- 2022 will be implemented starting with the academic year 2023–2024, as per statement made on Sunday by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

CBSE announced in a formal notification that the "According to the National Education Policy 2020's directive, the NCERT has created NCFFS 2022, which outlines the competencies and learning outcomes, as well as general principles and approaches that should direct teaching and learning at the foundational stage. It acts as a template for educators to create curriculum, syllabi, and instructional materials that complement the country's educational objectives."

The CBSE further stated that under the new framework, the new structure of a five-year fundamental education programme from nursery to class two will be introduced in those schools that now provide foundational education to kids in the age range of 3 to 8 years during the session 2023–24.
In line with current CBSE norms, each child shall have an annual physical, Exam by a competent Doctor, including an appropriate vision screening, audio testing and other tests as deemed necessary. Identification of any special needs should be made at this time.

Information on any particular medical condition, and the associated medication or preventive measures should be obtained at the time of admission and be updated concurrently and made available to all concerned. This is important for all children and particularly for children at risk.

The nearest medical facility shall have an agreement with the school. In the event of a medical emergency, it is the head of school's responsibility to arrange for the best medical care and notify the parents or legal guardians. Children may only be given medication on a doctor's prescription. Each member of the Balvatika (Pre-School) staff must undergo routine physical examinations by a doctor.

The school must plan balanced inside and outdoor playtime activities. The importance of good diet at this point cannot be overstated. Millets should be used more, and this should be encouraged.

CBSE implements NCF for foundation stage from academic session 2023-24.

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