China overcomes the corona, doing this work to bring life back on track
China overcomes the corona, doing this work to bring life back on track

Beijing: Today there is no such person who is not troubled by Corona's attacks. The havoc of this virus has increased so much that hundreds of people are coming in its grip every day. This virus has killed more than 5000 people so far. It is still being speculated that this disease will be eradicated soon. It has been learned that the coronavirus started from two cities of China has now been controlled in a way there, but the rest of the world is in the grip of it. China has started restoring the traffic system after the situation is normal.

According to the report, in China, when the corona infection was at its peak, China closed its 1119 expressways, they were opened from Saturday and traffic was normalized. With the help of these expressways, people of China can get out of the city by road. Before normalizing these things, China took all precautionary measures to overcome the corona and it was soon overcome.

According to the information received, China first stopped the movement of people to overcome the corona. People were locked in homes. Sanitizer was sprayed to prevent virus infection. Hospitals were built at gyms, stadiums, roadside and other places. The gathering of people in malls, schools and other public places was banned. Now the situation is that patients of corona infection in China have come in single digit. As of March 14, 3199 people had died in China, resulting in 80,844 infections. With this 54 thousand 278 people recovered and went back to their homes.

China has reopened a total of 549 blocked national, provincial, county and township roads during the transition. 12,028 highways were separated keeping health in mind, all of them have been cleared, besides 11,198 stations built for Corona suspects have been removed.

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