This fighter jet company will make masks to deal with Coronavirus
This fighter jet company will make masks to deal with Coronavirus

China is the most vulnerable to coronavirus. Now preparing to help other countries to deal with it. In view of this, many industries have been installed here to manufacture goods used for it. When the outbreak of coronavirus started, the masks and other essentials in China itself had reduced, due to which he had to buy masks, safety dress, gloves, and other items from other countries.

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According to media reports, other countries had also helped China with masks and other essentials due to its seriousness. Now the situation has become normal in China to some extent, but out of China, this virus has caught other countries. Italy and Iran are the most affected after China. Now China has engaged many industries to manufacture equipment used for protection against coronavirus. So that he can provide such equipment to other countries.

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The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has been instructed to apply mask-making equipment at present. This company works on making J20 stealth fighter jet aircraft. According to the report of China's Global Times, now this company has been asked to set up a plant to make masks in its plant. 100 masks will be made per minute from the company which will set up the plant. After planting the plant, this company will manufacture only masks for 24 hours for the next few months.

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