Chris Delia breaks down on sexual harassment allegations
Chris Delia breaks down on sexual harassment allegations

Hollywood comedian and actor Chris Delia has finally responded to the allegations of sexual harassment. The actor has denied all the allegations against him. Actor Chris has been accused of sexual harassment of many women. However, it is being told that he was 16 years old at the time of the incident. He has also accused the actor of inappropriate messages and taking nude photographs of him.

While clarifying the matter, Chris said in an interview that "I know that I have said and done things during my career that may offend people, but I have never intentionally done anything with younger women. In this regard, Chris further said, all my relationships have been within the legal domain and with mutual consent. I have never exchanged any inappropriate photos to people who have tweeted about me. I'm sorry I was a stupid man."

Actor Chris further said that "I have made a mistake. I have been thinking about this for some time. I promise that I will keep working better."

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