5 Common signs and symptoms of kidney disease
5 Common signs and symptoms of kidney disease

Kidney disease is one of the major problems people suffer from nowadays. The kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from the blood can be the reason for kidney disease. As kidneys fail, waste builds up. Its symptoms aren't notable easily, and that’s why only 10 percent of people with this can know that they have it.

Kidney diseases are caused by several reasons like high blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of kidney failure, etc. But kidney diseases can be treated early if noticed earlier. They will not be so obvious, so you have to keep a regular check on them. Some signs and symptoms which will help you find:

Extremely tired

Irregularities in the kidney functions can lead to the buildup of toxins and impurities in the blood. This makes people tired and less energetic and they cannot concentrate on their work.

Trouble in sleeping

When kidneys are not filtering the toxins properly, they are still in the blood which creates trouble while sleeping on a daily basis.

Dry and itchy skin

The prime reasons for kidney problems are dry and itchy skin. There are no important nutrients in the blood which makes your skin dry and itchy.

Frequent urination

If you need to go to the loo frequently, especially at night, then it might be a sign of kidney disease as the filters have been damaged. 

Puffiness in eyes

Your kidney is leaking a lot of protein into the urine and hence you are getting puffiness around your eyes.

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