'Rahul overtakes Modi..,' Channel whose survey Congress presented got exposed
'Rahul overtakes Modi..,' Channel whose survey Congress presented got exposed

New Delhi: Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi is taking out a Bharat Jodo Yatra to rebuild the dying party these days. The Congress has high hopes from this visit and party leaders are claiming that a new and powerful look of Rahul Gandhi will emerge after the visit. In this sequence, to show Rahul ahead of PM Narendra Modi, the Congress tweeted the result of a survey of the news channel 'AajTak', which never happened. When 'AajTak' called it fake and photoshopped, the Congress quietly deleted its tweet without giving any clarification, but by then it had gone viral.

In fact, on Thursday (October 13, 2022), the Delhi Congress unit tweeted this from its official Twitter handle. A screenshot with the 'AajTak' logo was posted in the tweet. In this screenshot titled 'Mood of the nation', Rahul was described as the choice of 52 per cent and PM Modi as 46 per cent of the people. In this post, the Delhi Congress wrote, 'The mood of the country is changing, the people have now made up their mind to teach the BJP a lesson. When Aaj Tak saw the Congress party spreading lies in its name, the media outlet tweeted calling it fake and photoshopped.' Aaj Tak called the Congress post false and wrote, "Delhi Congress, the information shared in this tweet is completely wrong. This picture is photoshopped. To date, no such survey has been conducted. It's completely fake. We hope that responsible political organizations like yours will immediately remove this tweet with wrong news in the name of AajTak. Thank you.''

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After this fake data was exposed, the Delhi Congress deleted its tweet without apologising for spreading misinformation. By the time the tweet was removed, 1500 users had liked the post and retweeted more than 350 people. Netizens' reactions to this post can also be seen in the archive. Social media users are making fun of Congress. A Twitter user commented, "Which cannabis do you drink and share the post brother.'' At the same time, another wrote, 'Now even AajTak has started making fun of the Congress.'

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