More than 100 corona infected cases found in Uttarakhand
More than 100 corona infected cases found in Uttarakhand

Dehradun: The Corona epidemic has not only affected the country but the whole world. Every effort is being made to deal with it, but no successful results have been revealed so far. Talking about Uttarakhand, then the death of infected patients and corona positive cases are increasing daily in Uttarakhand. Four infected patients died on Friday. 118 new corona patients have been found.

The number of corona infected in the state has reached 7183. So far 4168 patients have been cured. According to the Health Bulletin released by the Health Department, 3277 samples were found negative in the investigation report on Friday. 55 corona infected cases have been received in Dehradun city. Of these, 15 corona infected came into contact, and 40 have no travel history. In Nainital city, there are 17 contacts and 17 travel history in 34 cases.

In Haridwar city, there is no contact history of four and travel history of two of the six corona infected. In Tehri city, there is travel history of two to Jammu, two to Mumbai and one has no travel history among the five infected. There is no travel history of five infected in Udham Singh Nagar city. There is travel history of three to Delhi and one has no travel history of the four infected in Pauri city. Three corona infected have been found in Almora and Rudraprayag city. In Bageshwar, Chamoli and Uttarkashi districts, one infected case each has been found. The cases of corona are continuously increasing in the state.

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