Omicron: 5 things to eat for faster recovery from Corona
Omicron: 5 things to eat for faster recovery from Corona

The corona epidemic has left the world in a state of dispersal. The WHO has predicted an end to corona in 2022. However, Omicron variants are currently under threat around the world. Health experts say diet is most important in the recovery from corona infection. Now today we tell you what kind of diet we should consume for faster recovery.

Gram and fish- Yes, doctors recommend including pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, gram and fish in the diet during recovery from the corona. Yes, and the mineral zinc present in them is said to be very beneficial in recovery. In fact, it is rich in micronutrient antioxidants, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent the virus's multiple abilities and serious symptoms.

Citrus Fruits- Vitamin C is the best way to keep the immune system that fights diseases in the body healthy. It is also known as ascorbic acid. Water-soluble vitamin C is rich in antioxidants, which boost our immune function. You can consume citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, guava, kiwi, broccoli, strawberries and papaya.

Eggs and Mushrooms- According to a report published in the Journal of Nature in May 2021, vitamin D is considered very useful in the rapid recovery of corona patients. According to a study, vitamin D rich food products can be important in recovering from the Covid-19 variant. Yes, and for that, you can include things like mushrooms, egg yolk, yoghurt and milk in the diet.

Pulses and fish- Protein repairs damaged cells while strengthening muscles and boosts the immune system. Protein is considered very beneficial for cells damaged by covid-19 infection. You can eat seeds, almonds, pulses, dairy products, chicken, eggs and fish protein.

Natural Antiviral Food- Anti-viral properties are used to relieve cough and cold in winter. In this case, things like tulsi, ginger, pepper, long and garlic are of great benefit.

Beverages- It is most important to keep the body hydrated for strength and energy during illness. Healthy drinks will not only give minerals and vitamins to your body but will also flush out toxins from the body.

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