What would happen if there was no smartphone during lockdown?
What would happen if there was no smartphone during lockdown?

Internet, social media and apps on smartphones may have many evils and even though we have tried to keep our children away from them, but this time they are not only helping to save people and the economy as well. Getting support We often get cautionary advice regarding smartphones and social media. But, in today's era when we are facing an epidemic, technology is proving very important in terms of saving lives. If this was the 2005 phase, how would it have been. There was neither fast broadband, nor smartphones nor the tools and apps of today. At that time, if we had to face this epidemic, then perhaps our difficulties would have skyrocketed. 


With this, the discussion about social media was a distant thing. Right now, many people were connecting with their old friends through Friends Reunited which was bought by ITV in 2005. The same year YouTube was born. The following year Twitter came. In 2007, Apple launched its first iPhone. 15 years ago, about 8 million households had broadband connections. Their desktop computers could run at most speeds of 10 Mbps (seconds on megabytes). At the same time, it means that it took about one and a half minutes to download an album. Around 70 lakh families were connected to very sluggish internet through dial-up connections at that time. This means that the services that are very important to us today were being laid at that time.

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