World Cup final referee could send Maradona out during national anthem
World Cup final referee could send Maradona out during national anthem

The referee Idgadare Codesal, who umpired in the final match played between West Germany and Argentina in the FIFA World Cup-1990, said that he was thinking of sending the great Diego Maradona out before the match started.

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Codesal said that Maradona was constantly using profanity at the time of the national anthem and that he was thinking of showing him the red card before the match started. "I could have sent him out as soon as the match started because he was constantly using abusive words at the time of the national anthem," Ternado Pardes wrote in codesal.

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In this match, West Germany beat Argentina 1–0. He said, "Later when I sent out Monjon, Maradona came to me and he told me that I am a thief and on FIFA's payroll. As a footballer he was brilliant but as a human being he was very not good and even he was one of the worst humans of my life. "

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