Covid-19: More US states to close mask mandates cases declines
Covid-19: More US states to close mask mandates cases declines

WASHINGTON: As the number of cases of Covid-19 declines, states in the United States are considering ending mask mandates. As a result of the recent decline in Covid-19 infections caused by the Omicron strain, US states are acceleratating easing mask restrictions for schools and indoor public venues.

Indoor mask regulations for schools and other public places will be lifted in the coming weeks, according to officials in New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, California, and Oregon.According to reports, California is preparing to cease a universal indoor mask mandate next week and scale back other regulations aimed at preventing the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron form.

By February 28, Connecticut will allow kids and staff members to cease wearing masks in schools. By March 31, Delaware will no longer require students to wear masks in school.

According to a New York Times database, just a few states had enacted statewide mask laws for schools and indoor spaces.

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