Corona doubled in week, WHO expresses serious concern
Corona doubled in week, WHO expresses serious concern

Geneva: The number of deaths due to Coronavirus increasing worldwide has reached thousands so far. The fury of this virus continues to affect human life, where there is a terror-like atmosphere. Every day, some family is completely ruined due to the virus, the number of infected people is also increasing. The World Health Organization has expressed serious concern over the rapid spread of the coronavirus. The death toll from this epidemic has doubled in a week. About half of these deaths occurred in Europe alone. More than five hundred deaths a day were reported in France and Britain on Wednesday. So far, 46,160 people have died worldwide, while 9,21,223 people have been infected. However, it is a good thing that close to two lakh people have also become healthy.

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According to the information, World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhonam Ghebreyes said that despite all efforts, the spread of the epidemic has not been controlled. So far 205 countries have fallen prey to it. He expressed the apprehension that with the speed at which it is spreading, the number of dead will reach 50 thousand within the next few days. However, 1 million will be infected. Things are starting to get worse in France after Italy. 509 people died in a day and the number of people who died has reached 4,032. This epidemic has killed more than thirty thousand people in Europe. Among them, more than 21 thousand deaths have taken place in Italy and Spain alone.

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European scientists are working on a plan to launch a contact tracing app to find the suspects in Corona. Britain, which was recently separated from Europe, is also making such an app, which is expected to be launched soon. Talking about infection across Europe, 4,58,061 people are affected by it. 30,063 people have died in Europe. The highest number of 12,428 deaths occurred in Italy while 9,053 people died in Spain. The number of dead in America has exceeded four thousand. This number is double as compared to last Saturday.

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