Delhi court will give verdict on Danish woman rape case today
Delhi court will give verdict on Danish woman rape case today

On Monday, a Delhi court will  give its verdict in the 2014 Danish woman gang-rape case. Nine men, actually the matter occurred in 2014 when 9 men including three juveniles are accused of raping the 52-year-old Danish woman in National capital.

Earlier on May 26, Additional sessions judge Ramesh Kumar set the matter for judgement after he accomplished hearing final arguments of both the Delhi Police and the defence counsel.

While the prosecution submitted that all evidence nails the accused, the defence counsel claimed his clients are innocent.

The accused Arjun, Raju alias Chhakka, Mohammad Raja, Mahendraalias Ganja, Raju alias Bajji and Shyam Lal are claimed of robbing and raping the Danish woman at knife-point near New Delhi railway station in January 2014.


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