Metro becomes trouble for Delhiite, Know What's The Reason
Metro becomes trouble for Delhiite, Know What's The Reason

Delhi: In some areas of the national capital Delhi, the Delhi metro from underground is becoming a source of trouble for people living nearby. The people of two areas of South Delhi, Sarvapriya Vihar and Begumpur say that the metro going under the ground causes vibrations in their homes. It has also led to cracks in the floors, walls and ceilings of many houses. They have also complained to the Delhi Metro.

Surendra Pal, 62, in Delhi's Begumpur area, says the Yellow Line Metro started running in the area about 7 years ago. Since then, every time the metro comes out, not only does it sound its voice, but also the vibrations in the houses. This is not only Surendrapal but also the complaint of all the people living in Begumpur. People allege that continuous vibrations have caused cracks inside and outside the houses, especially late at night when the surrounding environment calms down.

A nursing home located in posh colony Popular Vihar after Begumpur has also seen cracks on walls and floors in many places. According to Dr Junja, owner of the nursing home, the cracks have started since the magenta line began last year. This type of complaints are made of many people in these areas whose home comes around the metro station.

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