At this time Disha Patni is sharing bold photos on the day that are surprising everyone. She has often been seen in bold style and she has millions of fans. Reecently she has shared a picture which is bold and seeing that photo, the comment of Tiger Shroff's sister Krishna Shroff has surprised everyone. Earlier, these two friends have been seen commenting on social media many times. Disha shares a bold picture or video on her account and Krishna surprises people by commenting on it. This happens not once but repeatedly. Something similar has happened once again.
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Disha Patni shared a video of the set of 'Baaghi 3' on her social media account during the coronavirus lockdown, in which she is seen doing bold dance moves. These dance moves of Disha are hurting the hearts of people, but at the same time Krishna Shroff has started swinging on seeing this, that is why she commented on this video of Disha Patni, wrote, ' Love....' Along with Krishna, her mother Ayesha Shroff has also commented on this video of Disha and wrote, 'This is awesome.'
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Tiger's comment is yet to come. Although Tiger and Disha never confessed their relationship, but Tiger's mother and sister commented on the pictures of actress Disha Patni, then it seems that there is something between the two.
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