There are many people all over the world who think that money does not last with them, it comes to an end. Many people also think that how can they find out if they will have money ..? If you are also involved in these, then let us tell you whether you will have money or not…? Yes, there are some signs that are hidden in your hand lines, let's know ...
1. Chained on the brain line - It is said that if a person looks chained on the brain line, then it should be understood that the person will remain disturbed. With this, the cut and chained brain line tells that the person will not have money.
2. If there is a mole on the ring finger - it is said that those who have a mole on the ring finger, they do not have any money left. With this, these people face big problems many times in life.
3. If there is a mole on the sun line - If a person sees a mole on the Mount of Sun under the ring finger, then it means that they too will not be able to save money, not only that, but their life will be facing financial troubles.
4. Mole on the lifeline - It is said that the lifeline surrounds the Venus mountain near the thumb and if there is a mole on this line in the palm of a person, then the person is surrounded by financial crisis and cannot save money.
5. The line from the ocean to the Saturn mountain - It is believed that if a person comes out of the zone in the palm and reaches the line under the middle finger to the Shani mountain under the middle finger, even then the person will not be able to save money.
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