Do you always keep feeling tired? you may be suffering from these illness
Do you always keep feeling tired? you may be suffering from these illness

Do you always keep feeling tired? Do you have trouble staying awake during prime time comedy shows on the television? The causes of exhaustion or fatigue are many and are primarily caused by viral fever, flu or when a person is suffering from cold. If you however keep feeling tired throughout the day, then it is time you visited your physician. So, what else do you need to know about weakness and fatigue?

Depression begins at the age of fifteen for many and for many others, at the age of thirty. Women, for example, get postpartum depression after the birth of a child. Some people suffer from seasonal affective disorder during the winter season and are affected by feelings of sadness and fatigue. A major form of depression is the bipolar disorder and can affect the person badly and makes the person feel tired throughout the day. People suffering from the bipolar disorder may have little interest in taking part in normal activities. If you are feeling depressed, then ask your physician to conduct a physical examination on you. If there are no physical causes to your depression, then your physician might recommend taking medicines. A combination of medication and psychotherapy can help relieve the symptoms of a bipolar disorder or depression.

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue – Fibromyalgia is one of the common causes of chronic fatigue and also results in musculoskeletal pain, particularly in women. Even though fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are two completely different disorders, they are related, in that they share the common symptom of extreme fatigue. No matter how long you take rest, when you suffer from fibromyalgia, it seems like you never had enough rest. You may feel as if you are fatigued throughout the day and you may even sleepwalk without knowing it. People, who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, suffer from a condition called the “fibro fog”, which makes it very difficult to concentrate on daily tasks. In such cases, if you begin an activity, do so slowly, so that the fatigue does not set in easily.

Heart disease and chronic fatigue – If you find yourself becoming easily exhausted after taking part in any activity that was once an easy task, it could be because of the possibility of your suffering from a heart disease. Heart disease has been a leading cause of death in women and can be dangerous, if the doctor is not duly visited.

Hypothyroidism and chronic fatigue – You may feel depression, chronic fatigue, and extreme sluggishness and even have weight gain when you are suffering from hypothyroidism. An underactive thyroid can cause you to feel extreme exhaustion and prevent you from doing activities that you once enjoyed, since a condition called the Hashimoto’s thyroiditis makes the thyroid gland stop producing enough thyroid hormones that would otherwise keep you going. Visit your physician to know how you could control hypothyroidism.

Chronic fatigue syndrome – The CFS or the chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the most common debilitating disorders that is characterized by a feeling of continuous fatigue and cannot be cured by sleeping it off. When your fatigue cannot be traced back to a specific cause, physicians term it as the chronic fatigue syndrome. In such cases, performing mental as well as physical activities can cause further fatigue and must be avoided. Individuals that suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome are also usually diagnosed with weakness of the immune systems, but doctors are not sure whether this is sufficient to cause the disease. So, what are the other causes of fatigue?

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Allergies, weakness and chronic fatigue – Chronic fatigue is commonly caused when one suffers from allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis can however be easily treated and managed on one’s own. Make sure you visit your physician and find out whether your allergy was triggered by pollen, dust, animals, insects, weather changes, mildew or something else. Make sure to also get allergy shots such as immunotherapy, which might help in severe cases of allergy. Allergy shots take time to take effect and could need to be administered for as long as three to five years.

Anemia and chronic fatigue – The symptoms of anemia include dizziness, irritability and feeling cold. If you have any or all of these symptoms, it could mean you have an anemia. According to statistics, at least three point five million Americans have been affected by anemia by far. For women, who are in their childbearing years, anemia is a common cause of fatigue. This could hold true particularly for women with heavy menstrual periods, or those having uterine polyps or even uterine fibroid tumors. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen can only worsen the problem by causing further bleeding and GI problems such as cancer and ulcers. Make sure you visit your doctor and ask him to find out through a blood test, whether you suffer from anemia or not.

Depression and chronic fatigue – In many medical cases, depression has been detected as the root cause of chronic fatigue. Depression affects twice as many as women as it does men and is often genetic in nature.

Once you have consulted a doctor or a physician, you will be able to get the much needed guidance from them and know whether any further medication or testing is required.

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