Does a heart attack really come by giving warning?
Does a heart attack really come by giving warning?

Heart attack has become a serious problem worldwide and its cases are increasing rapidly in India too, especially among the youth. Factors like bad lifestyle, poor eating habits, and pollution are the main reasons for this. However, there are many misconceptions about heart attack. One of these is that heart attack occurs suddenly and there are no signs of it. Let us know the truth of these misconceptions.

Myth: Heart attacks come without warning

Truth: According to cardiologists, heart attack does not come suddenly. Its symptoms start appearing 3-4 days in advance. If you feel uneasy, feel weakness in walking a step, or heart beat becomes fast, then you should contact the doctor immediately. Warning signs of heart attack can also include chest pain, pain in the left hand or arm. However, there are no obvious symptoms in a silent heart attack, so it is important to be alert.

Myth: Any chest pain should be considered a sign of a heart attack

Truth: According to experts, chest pain or discomfort may be a common symptom of a heart attack, but it is not the only sign. Shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, or pain in the back, arms, and neck can also be symptoms of a heart attack.

Myth: Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs does not reduce the risk of heart attack

Truth: Medicines like statins are used to control cholesterol, but this does not mean that you can eat unhealthy food. To maintain heart health, one should consume a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. It is very important to pay attention to your health by removing these myths and with the right information. One should be cautious and adopt a right lifestyle to prevent heart disease.

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