Donald Trump told PM Modi's intention, "He will tackle Terrorism"
Donald Trump told PM Modi's intention,

President of the world, US President Donald Trump has expressed confidence in Prime Minister Narendra Modi that he will deal with terrorism. Talking to reporters, he said that Modi is a very religious and quiet person. But, in reality, they are very strict. I have seen them in action. Terrorism is at the top of their mind and they will solve this problem.

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According to the media report, referring to his record of crushing terrorism, Trump said that I have eliminated more terrorists than any other person. I killed al-Baghdadi a few months ago and completely ended his Khilafat. Qasim Sulemani and Hamza bin Laden (Osama's son) have been killed. No one has done as much work against terrorism as I have done. He said that Russia, Syria, and Iran should also deal with radical Islamic terrorism.

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The US President Trump assured India of further cooperation on the issue of terrorism and said that he is continuously putting pressure on Pakistan. Without naming Pakistan, he said that the pressure to put pressure on the countries supporting terrorism will be further accelerated. He said that the cooperation of India and America against Islamic terrorism will be further strengthened. Significantly, on the second day of Trump's two-day visit, the two leaders spoke for about 45 minutes in person and after that, the official-level talks led by the two leaders lasted for an hour. The talks of both the leaders were focused on bilateral issues related to defense, security, energy, trade, technology transfer, but local and global issues were also given a lot of time. Under this, the issue of creating a joint strategy against Kashmir, Pakistan-backed terrorism and China's growing domination in the Indo-Pacific region were also prominent.

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