Know why alcohol is being produced in woman's body
Know why alcohol is being produced in woman's body

You all know that getting alcohol from the body of alcohol drinkers is considered obvious but what about someone who has never drunk alcohol. A similar case has come up. In which doctors refused to perform the operation of the woman, saying that the amount of alcohol is present in her urine test. Since the woman claimed that she did not drink alcohol in her life, the doctors investigated the case and what was revealed became the first case in the world. In which alcohol was being produced instead of urine in the woman's body. It has been revealed about this woman that the woman's bladder was making alcohol instead of urin. The doctors themselves are surprised to know all this. They named it Auto Brewery Syndrome.

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According to the study, a 60-year-old woman had to undergo her liver surgery, but she was repeatedly denied by the hospital. Due to which alcohol is to be found in its urine test. This made the doctors think that the woman drinks alcohol. The woman had cirrhosis and also diabetes. Last year, this woman's case came to Kenichi Tamama, a pathologist and director of UPMC Clinical Toxicology Lab. When he investigated on the basis of claims, he found that the woman has a strange syndrome. Due to this syndrome, the body of the woman was making alcohol which was passing through her urine. This was revealed when Tamama found out that the woman's blood test did not contain alcohol but was in the urine.

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According to Tamama, if the woman had drunk alcohol, her body would have ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate, but it was not so. He connected all the episodes and started looking for a solution to this puzzle. Then Tamama had heard about a very rare condition 'gut fermentation syndrome' in which fermentation starts in the stomach of the person which produces alcohol. The woman had a disease of sugar and found yeast in her urine which was breaking this sugar and turning it into alcohol. It was clear from all this that when Tamama kept the woman's urine at different temperatures and at 98.7 degrees it had completely turned into alcohol. The yeast found in this woman's body was Candida glabrata which is normally. The news of alcohol in the body of a woman remains a matter of discussion. On which everyone seems shocked.

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