China will pay big price for corona pandemic: Donald Trump
China will pay big price for corona pandemic: Donald Trump

Washington: US President Donald Trump has once again threatened China on the Coronavirus pandemic. President Trump has said that China will have to pay a heavy price for the Corona epidemic. Trump said that China has to be ready to pay the price of what it has done to the world. Trump said Corona is China's fault, not of America.

Let us tell you that Donald Trump himself has tested positive for Coronavirus. Addressing the country, President Trump said he wanted to tell China that the Corona epidemic was his biggest mistake and that he would have to pay a huge price for it. Since, this is not the fault of the Americans, therefore the people of America will not pay any price for it. At the same time, in a video message, President Donald Trump described the corona infection as God's blessing.

Trump has said, "I feel quite good. I think the corona epidemic infection is God's blessing. I had heard of the Regeneron drug and instructed people to take it. I used this medicine Experimented. They have done a good job. "Trump further said that we are declaring to seek military assistance to deliver the drug to the hospital (Regeneron) and also distribute it to the public. This drug is free It will be given in. You will not have to pay any money for this.

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