WHO chief's big announcement over coronavirus vaccine
WHO chief's big announcement over coronavirus vaccine

Geneva: Corona outbreaks still persist in many countries of the world. However, in countries that claim to have recovered from this epidemic, the use of physical distance and mask has been made mandatory to avoid it. At this time, the whole world is eyeing only the news that is going to bring about the success of Corona Vaccine.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given good news about the corona vaccine. WHO President Tedros Adnom Gabrias said a safe and effective vaccine could be ready later this year. The WHO President has also urged all world leaders to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines. "We need the vaccine by the end of this year and we expect the vaccine to be in place by the end of this year," Tedros said at a WHO executive board meeting. 9 experimental vaccines are currently undergoing WHO-led Covex Global Vaccine Facility are in the pipeline. "

The WHO Covex facility and the Gavi vaccine alliance provide access to the Corona vaccine candidate. The signing of the agreement with Covex will help countries reach a wider portfolio of new vaccine candidates. 168 countries have joined the Covex facility so far. However, China, US, and Russia are not included in this.

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