8 new cases of corona reported in Gwalior-Chambal
8 new cases of corona reported in Gwalior-Chambal

There are active cases of corona in 51 districts of Madhya Pradesh. The number of corona patients is increasing daily. Corona cases have also been found in Gwalior. But not a single corona patient was found in the city on the second day. 8 corona positives have been found in three districts of the region on Friday. The 51-year-old living in Chaturvedi Nagar, who was found positive in Bhind, had gone for a prostate operation in Gwalior. Corona test was first done on the advice of doctors.

A young man from Ater had reached Bhind by travelling by truck, train and later bus from Mumbai. He was quarantined. In Daboh, three people came from Ahmedabad by car, out of which one positive has been found. A girl from Mumbai reached Bhopal in Shivpuri. From here, the elder sister came to the house of Rambagh Colony in Shivpuri on Wednesday night. Sampling was done on Thursday, in which she was found positive. The young man from Narwar has also tested positive. Corona report of two people has come positive in Sheopur.

On Friday, 228 new patients were found. The most positive 87 patients were found in Indore. A total of six people died along with three in Indore. The total number of positive patients in the state has been 7692. 330 people have died.

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