Excess use of Paneer will be harmful
Excess use of Paneer will be harmful

Paneer made from milk is very beneficial for our health. But do you know that excessive consumption of cottage cheese can be harmful to our health. Because of the high amount of fat in paneer it can prove to be more harmful.

Let's know about the negative effect of cheese-

1-The amount of sodium is high because of the presence of salt in the paneer. Therefore, if can be suffered from high blood pressure problem, then you should avoid the excess use of paneer.

2- Raw Paneer should not be eaten.

3-Paneer intake works to increase the amount of cholesterol in our body, due to which there may be a risk of heart disease.

4- If you are consuming paneer, always keep in mind that do not eat paneer at night. Because it is difficult to digest in the night.

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