Father kills his own Two month old baby
Father kills his own Two month old baby

A 17 years old boy killed his own two month old son in Mangolpuri  on Saturday evening

The teenager assumed that his wife had an affair with another man and the baby was an outcome of it. He was so angry just assuming things that he killed a two-month-old baby.’

The 17 years old young boy married this 16 years old girl and fled from their home because the family members did not accept but later when the girl conceived the baby they accepted them.

She was the only bread earner of the family. The boy was drug addict and also was thrown out of various jobs, so he was doing nothing. The girl worked at a cosmetic shop.

Police came to know about this matter when the mother brought her child to the hospital and there were marks all over the baby’s body. The child was dead, she accused her husband for the mis happening.

 When inquired, the boy accepted that he thought she had an affair with a boy from the cosmetic shop only and this baby was theirs and not of him. He killed the child by thrashing him with shoes and left him on the bed. Later when the wife returned home, she found the baby and rushed to the hospital.

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