Flirty vs Friendly: Find out the difference between the two
Flirty vs Friendly: Find out the difference between the two

There are times when you feel that a person has a soft corner for you just because they are being nice to you. Most of the times, this can be true. But sometimes, it can be the case that the person is just being friendly and warm and is not necessarily in love with you! At such times, it is easy to get confused and mix up their intentions. 

1. Flirty: When a person is flirting with you, they might make prolonged eye contact with you. They will look deep into your eyes and will stare at you till you become slightly self-conscious. 

 Friendly: If they are simply being friendly, they will look at you equal amounts of time as they look at others. They do this just to make you feel included and to show their friendliness and warmth.

2. Flirty: The easiest way to know if they are flirting with you is to trust your instinct. If you two are alone and you get a particular vibe from them, then they are probably are interested in you and in a flirtatious mood.

Friendly: There can be times when you do sense a certain tension in the air, but once you talk to them, you simply feel relaxed and at ease. If they are simply being friendly, then no matter how much you overthink, you will always get a ‘buddy’ kind of vibe from them.


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