Football season in South Korea can start tomorrow
Football season in South Korea can start tomorrow

South Korea's football season will begin on Friday after a two-month delay due to the coronavirus. New safety guidelines have been issued to avoid the risk of infection during matches played at the empty stadium, in which strict rules have been made to celebrate, shake hands and even talk about goals.

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Countries like Belarus, Turkmenistan and Taiwan did not stop football matches due to the coronavirus, but South Korea, the co-host of the 2002 World Cup, is the first major country to play football, starting the league after the delay of the coronavirus. South Korea was among the countries that had the most outbreaks of the Coronavirus outside China initially. After which the professional sports had suspended or postponed their sessions and then later countries around the world took the same steps.

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Korea, however, has controlled the epidemic with its strong detection, testing and treatment program, and football will return to football after the return of the stadium to the empty stadium on Tuesday. The K-League is the first major competition in Asia in which matches will be played. Europe's major leagues are still closed and only Germany's Bundesliga has a concrete plan to resume the match.

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