This footballer suffers due to clicking photos without mask
This footballer suffers due to clicking photos without mask

Brazilian striker Ricardo Goulart, who plays for Hebei China Fortune Football Club, is about to be fined, as he has clicked photos with sports lovers without wearing a face mask which is against the strict rules. Now it is being said that he has violated the rules, for which he may has to pay a fine.

The Government Dialogues Committee has informed on Saturday that 29-year-old K Goulart used to play in Italy earlier. He settled in the eastern city of Suzhou to prepare for the opening match of the season. According to the news agency, on Friday, he clicked photos with fans in which he did not have a mask on his face.

The agency said, "Hopefully he will be fined and he can be warned for this instead of suspension." However, what will be the punishment, no information has been received.

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