Coronavirus lost to vitamin C, know what you should eat to avoid it
Coronavirus lost to vitamin C, know what you should eat to avoid it

At this time there is an outcry of corona virus. In such a situation, it has been reported that the corona virus has been lost due to vitamin C. In fact, four Corona patients were released from Bokaro General Hospital last Saturday. Let us tell you that the woman who got infected by going to Dhaka and then to Nizamuddin's Tabligi group also got rid of the corona virus by eating vitamin C pill.

Although the treatment of corona has not been made so far, but during the treatment of corona patients in Bokaro, studies have shown that "those who have strong immunity will beat the corona." Vitamin C increases immunity in the body and nine patients of Corona were being treated at Bokaro General Hospital. Let us tell you that vitamin C pills were given as medicine to everyone with a balanced diet and the doctors thought that the patients will be cured if their resistance to disease increases. At the same time, no patient complained of fever, body ache, sore throat or cough and four patients have gone out of the hospital after recovering.

Five more patients are in treatment. Let us tell you that the doctors of Kovid Hospital assess that their health is improving rapidly. In fact, if there is no deficiency of vitamin C, then the disease like cold-cough is kept away and the doctors of Bokaro Hospital tell that due to lack of vitamin-C, there is a lack of special tissue in the body. This increases the risk of bleeding. Let me tell you that gooseberry, orange, lemon, orange, grape, tomato, guava, sev, banana, plum, vine, jackfruit, mint, radish leaf, raisins, milk, beetroot, amaranth greens, cabbage, green coriander and spinach in Vitamin C is found in everyone and if you continue to consume them, you will not be able to touch the corona. By the way, patients of Corona are being given vitamin C pill.

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